Thursday, 5 November 2009

Swimming Styles

    Today I will speak of two styles of swimming, Crawl and Breaststroke.

    The style Crawl / Free style is considered the fastest and is used in free events, and is mainly one of the best techniques for beginners.
    It exiges a highly movement coordination.
    Arms get in and out of the water alternating while legs make vertical movements: they stay stretch on ascending and slightly curved descending
    Is usually done every two strokes, breathing always to the same side. If it is done every three strokes, breathing is done alternately.

    The style Breaststroke is considered the slower style, as have a little kick that creates momentum for the swimmer, with its main form of stroke progression, not for beginners only and should practice only after a little practice in swimming.
When lateral outside action occurs, legs are in recovering to get prepared to another movement.
    After that, the upper limbs, there is the descending action, in which the arms are boosting the water in order to advance the water, while the limb begins to move up the legs in order to push after the water. Third, the arms are already without making impulse as that is when the legs push the water in order to give strength to the athlete to move the water. In the end, the arms take over the position of the first phase of the arms while the legs perform a slide.
    It follows after each stroke, and ends up being the time when the athlete recovers the initial position to start a new movement.
So, each breath, the athlete puts his arms stretched out "ahead" of the head, so you can make one more stroke.

    It's all for now!'till next post! ;)

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