Friday, 13 November 2009

Swimming Styles

Today I will speak of more two styles of swimming, Butterfly and Backstroke.

     The style Butterfly is the fastest style after crawl. It is a hard and tiring swimming style because it requires facing the water resistance.

     This style implies a feet beat like dolphins, similar to a double-beat crawl. The arms action is also similar to those in crawl, and the difference is that in the butterfly arm action is simultaneous (and no alternating as in crawl).
    Breathing depends on arms cycle: the inspiration of the movement held in the aquatic phase is supposed to push the rib cage in a release of its support, the expiration retains its character progression, but in short distances, they often see as breathing takes place during several cycles of arms, leading to respiratory phase locking.

    The style Backstroke is very similar to Crawl, but in this case the ventral side is facing up.
    The body remains horizontal, and moving the arms as the legs is alternate. The body remains horizontal, and moving the arms as the legs is switched. In this situation, leg’s bends are upwards.
Along this process, it should keep your head back and eyes up. Make sure that your head is always out of water.
    Inspiration makes during the movement to the front of an arm while the other inside water pushes body to the front, making action on forearm muscles. Arm's toraxic muscles have in this phase a reduced work.

Until next post and good strokes!! ;)