Friday, 18 December 2009

Swimming for children!

Swimming is the best way to develop a child physically.

    A very common practice nowadays is the enrollment of children swimming in the first months of life. Every day new school swimming are open offering the practice of this activity for the little ones.
What is certain is that parents enroll their children early on in programs of adaptation to the water waiting for them to learn to swim. However, the benefits of swimming's go far beyond that. The baby, at birth, has no muscular structure capable of doing halt to his feet, that is, can not support its own weight, so that the exercise on land is almost impossible. Swimming becomes therefore the most effective instrument for application in physical education for babies as in water, its limitations are almost non existent.

    We have to remember whether any newborn baby swim. However, if you spend your childhood without having to practice this activity, the infant loses this ability. In the case of babies swimming practice, none of them "forget" how to swim, avoiding the learning time by which all children have to spend at the beginning of adolescence, to relearn how to swim.

    It is also undeniable that swimming is an important social role in the child (living with others) and is actively involved in the psychomotor development and construction of the human body. There is thus an integrative role in the maturation process.

The jumps in swimming!!

Good afternoon!
After a short absence here I am again for a new post :)

Exits to the water in competition.
    There are two ways out of a competition. The first is from out of the water for tests on his belly, crawl and butterfly. The second is from the inside of water for the tests back.
The aim of both is to push the swimmer as soon as possible before starting to swim.

The outputs of breaststroke, crawl and butterfly.
    Used mainly two types of output: the output of the swimmer grabs the board that will jump out and conventional.

The output in the swimmer grabs the board that will jump:

  Body bent. Fingers gripping the edge of the board, next to the feet. The face to look for water.
Departure: The arms and the body bends. The body is unbalanced forward. Hands drop out of support and tilt directly forward as they spread the trunk and legs.
Flight: The body extends into the air. The arms point to the water and the body bends down. 

Entry: The whole body goes into the hole that the hands open. Upon entry of the feet there will be a beating of moth to prevent the body to dip. Thus, the body is directed horizontally forward.
Conventional output.

Preparation: Body bent. Toes along the edge of the platform. Suspended arms pointing to the water. Legs slightly bent. Feet apart without passing width of the hips.
Departure: Upon hearing the starting signal, the head and shoulders vigorously, while the arms to rock forward and upward. The arms continue to circulate behind their action, and below the front legs and eventually stretch to start the flight.
Flight and Entry: The journey of the body in flight and entry into the water are as described in the output to grasp.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Swimming Styles

Today I will speak of more two styles of swimming, Butterfly and Backstroke.

     The style Butterfly is the fastest style after crawl. It is a hard and tiring swimming style because it requires facing the water resistance.

     This style implies a feet beat like dolphins, similar to a double-beat crawl. The arms action is also similar to those in crawl, and the difference is that in the butterfly arm action is simultaneous (and no alternating as in crawl).
    Breathing depends on arms cycle: the inspiration of the movement held in the aquatic phase is supposed to push the rib cage in a release of its support, the expiration retains its character progression, but in short distances, they often see as breathing takes place during several cycles of arms, leading to respiratory phase locking.

    The style Backstroke is very similar to Crawl, but in this case the ventral side is facing up.
    The body remains horizontal, and moving the arms as the legs is alternate. The body remains horizontal, and moving the arms as the legs is switched. In this situation, leg’s bends are upwards.
Along this process, it should keep your head back and eyes up. Make sure that your head is always out of water.
    Inspiration makes during the movement to the front of an arm while the other inside water pushes body to the front, making action on forearm muscles. Arm's toraxic muscles have in this phase a reduced work.

Until next post and good strokes!! ;)


Thursday, 5 November 2009

Swimming Styles

    Today I will speak of two styles of swimming, Crawl and Breaststroke.

    The style Crawl / Free style is considered the fastest and is used in free events, and is mainly one of the best techniques for beginners.
    It exiges a highly movement coordination.
    Arms get in and out of the water alternating while legs make vertical movements: they stay stretch on ascending and slightly curved descending
    Is usually done every two strokes, breathing always to the same side. If it is done every three strokes, breathing is done alternately.

    The style Breaststroke is considered the slower style, as have a little kick that creates momentum for the swimmer, with its main form of stroke progression, not for beginners only and should practice only after a little practice in swimming.
When lateral outside action occurs, legs are in recovering to get prepared to another movement.
    After that, the upper limbs, there is the descending action, in which the arms are boosting the water in order to advance the water, while the limb begins to move up the legs in order to push after the water. Third, the arms are already without making impulse as that is when the legs push the water in order to give strength to the athlete to move the water. In the end, the arms take over the position of the first phase of the arms while the legs perform a slide.
    It follows after each stroke, and ends up being the time when the athlete recovers the initial position to start a new movement.
So, each breath, the athlete puts his arms stretched out "ahead" of the head, so you can make one more stroke.

    It's all for now!'till next post! ;)

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Benefits of Swimming !

Anyone, regardless of age, sex or profession, you can swim without problems since the water is a very beneficial for the body, relaxing, without any aggressive. Besides that, swimming reduces the risk of cardiac complications. Stroke after stroke, heart begins to get stronger and loses some fat that surrounds it resulting on a more efficient pump of blood to the rest of the body, reduces the cardiac frequency and stimulates blood circulating blood, improves the respiratory system and strengthens the joints.
Swimming causes the muscles increase in size and better protect tendons and ligaments, in addition to exercising all the joints and enhance its flexibility. Increases self-esteem, athletes feel more independent and secure. In the case of swimming, these benefits are compounded by the fact that the water permit freedom of movement that the work does not provide dry. Reduces the pain and risk of injury and slow the effects of aging, both physically and psychologically. Several studies confirm that a person of 65 years doing exercise regularly have a greater physical capacity and vital than one of 45 years that does not make any sporting activity.

Monday, 28 September 2009

A small text about swimming's history

Since Greece Plato said that man who could not swim was not educated, which is very popular sport.

It is a competitive sport the modern Olympics and it is the second most important sport., after athletics and it is played since 1896.

The first country to adopt this sport was Japan.

The modern swimming as sport, starts at the end of in the 19th century in Europe, performing the first competition in London in 1837.

Several competitions were organized on the following years and then in 1844, some american swimmers performed in London, winning all the competitions.