Sunday 1 November 2009

Benefits of Swimming !

Anyone, regardless of age, sex or profession, you can swim without problems since the water is a very beneficial for the body, relaxing, without any aggressive. Besides that, swimming reduces the risk of cardiac complications. Stroke after stroke, heart begins to get stronger and loses some fat that surrounds it resulting on a more efficient pump of blood to the rest of the body, reduces the cardiac frequency and stimulates blood circulating blood, improves the respiratory system and strengthens the joints.
Swimming causes the muscles increase in size and better protect tendons and ligaments, in addition to exercising all the joints and enhance its flexibility. Increases self-esteem, athletes feel more independent and secure. In the case of swimming, these benefits are compounded by the fact that the water permit freedom of movement that the work does not provide dry. Reduces the pain and risk of injury and slow the effects of aging, both physically and psychologically. Several studies confirm that a person of 65 years doing exercise regularly have a greater physical capacity and vital than one of 45 years that does not make any sporting activity.

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